Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Moth Radio Response

The Moth Radio directions
1- Go to and sign up – you must create a username and password, then activate your account through email.
2- In the search box type in “Moth radio 201”
3- Click on broadcast and go to 35:58

You are about to listen to a story about race, after you finish, answer the following questions on your blog

1- What are your opinions about what you heard? Did you like the story? Why or why not?

2- Describe how the officers speak to both Noah and Cleveland. Is there a difference? If so, what?

3- What are the ways that both Noah and Cleveland speak to the police officers?

4- *For an extra point* What, if any stereotypes are mentioned in the story?

5- At what point do the officers believe Cleveland?

6- Why do you think Ms. Edwards chose this story to play about race? How could this be related to To Kill a Mockingbird?